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The Autoflame Combustion Management System is designed to optimize the performance of industrial and commercial burner/boilers. Autoflame has partnerships with more than 100 technology centres worldwide.


WARE is an industrial & commercial boiler rental and service company that specializes in sales, service, valve repair, rentals, parts, turn key and boiler training.


DuraVent is the premier company of the venting industry. With a broad range of engineered venting products, DuraVent has earned its reputation as the industry leader by offering innovative, safe, and professional products for the HVAC markets.


CAMUS Hydronics Ltd. is a manufacturer of an extensive line of gas fired high efficiency copper tube and stainless steel boilers for residential, light commercial, commercial and industrial applications.

BFS Industries

BFS Industries, LLC manufactures a complete line of boiler room auxiliary equipment, including Deaerators in spray, tray, and packed column type; Surge/transfer systems; boiler feed and condensate systems; blowdown systems with heat recovery; flash tanks; packaged pump skids and control panels including PLC based control systems.


Oilon is an international energy technology company whose products support sustainable development by directly and measurably reducing emissions. Oilon’s goal is to promote sustainable development and set a good example in the fight against climate change.

GPM Pumps

GPM is a group of experienced pump professionals who represent premier equipment manufactures from Europe. Their knowledge of the product, the industries we serve, and the channels of distribution that are used, allow for an efficient and cost effective method of making these products available to North American customers.