Prolong the Life of Your Boiler: Icon Boiler’s Comprehensive Mechanical Support and Repair Services

With our R-Stamp certification, we guarantee our expertise in delivering exceptional boiler repairs that keep your equipment functioning at its best. Our licensing for boiler code repairs ensures safe operation and extends the lifespan of your boiler.

Distinguishing Routine Maintenance from Boiler Code Repair

Regular maintenance involves replacing sacrificial elements that break down over time, protecting the pressure-retaining parts. This helps to maintain efficiency and prevent further damage. Boiler code repairs, on the other hand, focus on identifying and addressing defects in the pressure-retaining components themselves.

At Icon Boiler, we are qualified to handle both routine maintenance and code repairs for your boiler, ensuring comprehensive care.

Expanded Services for Maximum Performance

In addition to repairs and maintenance, Icon Boiler offers a range of expanded services aimed at optimizing your boiler’s performance rather than needing to replace the entire system.

  • Boiler retubing: Replacing worn-out or damaged tubes for restored peak performance.
  • Replacing feed-water inlet couplings: Ensuring a reliable water supply and mitigating code issues.
  • Nozzle repairs: Contributing to efficiency and safe boiler operation.
  • Retacking of baffle shelves: Optimizing heat transfer and maintaining boiler efficiency.

Understanding the Common Causes of Code Defects

Boiler problems can arise due to various reasons, so it is crucial to identify the root cause in order to properly fix and maintain them. Below are some common boiler issues that can lead to code defects: 

  • Poor water chemistry: Can lead to oxygen pitting and compromise the boiler’s integrity and performance.
  • Thermal shock: Occurs when hot metal comes into contact with cool feedwater.
  • Accumulation of scale or soot: Lowers heat transfer efficiency and can result in code defects.

Trust Icon Boiler for Unmatched Boiler Repair and Service

When it comes to boiler repair and service, Icon Boiler stands out as a trusted industry leader. With our expertise in boiler repairs, along with the necessary certifications and licenses, we are committed to providing high-quality and reliable service. By choosing Icon Boiler, you can have confidence that your boiler is in capable hands.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and experience the difference with Icon Boiler. Together, we’ll ensure optimal performance, efficiency, and safety for your boiler.

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